> Personal injury attorney in New Orleans, LA
> Nola East Injury Law Review
Nola East Injury Law
Personal injury attorney in New Orleans, LAReviews: 2 | Overal Rating: Average
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Over the last 6 months he has subsequently denied knowing who we are, that he never submitted these requests and then that he never received any records from us. We have documentation showing otherwise and have provided him as such. He has refused to accept responsibility and will not pay these invoices, subsequently using our company to fund these case costs.
If anyone else has experienced this type of behavior and business transgressions by Daryl Gray please contact me directly. We are filing a formal complaint with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in Louisiana to pursue this further.
I have gone ahead and updated my review based off Daryl's latest review of calling me a leach and trying to steal money from people. That is the furthest from the truth. And I will walk you through some of this with evidence to show the proof.
We are not a third party billing company. Daryl signed up and used our service knowingly. I have attached an email from Daryl with a signed Letter of Representation wanting to get started using our service. It is from his email and the attached LOR has his signature.
Next, how Daryl "claims" to have never received any invoices from us and is only looking out for the best interest of his clients is a lie. Attached is an email from Shawna, his paralegal, stating that Daryl Gray has already reviewed the invoices and only four invoices are in dispute. Of these four three were being told to have sent to other attorneys as they were not handling their case anymore. The three were submitted by Daryl and as such that cost for due diligence lies on the shoulders of Gray Law Group.
Furthermore, attached is an email from Daryl 8 days ago stating that he needs nothing else and he is sending the check to us. I have not received the check nor a response confirming from Daryl that the check was actually mailed. The latest communication I see is an update to his response to my review on Google calling me a leach and continuing to state outright lies to people. Below is an excerpt from his review:
"That cost is passed on to our injured clients. Thus, our clients are responsible for your billing. We have a duty to them and they have a right to know exactly what they are paying for so we have requested copies of all your bills and documents so we can make sure every charge is accurate. You refuse to provide those receipts."
If you see the email screenshot below you can see his exact words that contradict this statement. Furthermore, we have multiple emails, with the attached past due invoices, that were sent to Gray Law Group and the subsequent read receipts showing that they were opened.
Lastly, this excerpt is contradictory as well:
"Understand until you provide detailed billing and receipts proving your bills are legitimate — our clients will not be forced to pay your random unsupported charges. We are here to protect them from businesses like yours. You are not a client so your 1 star“experience” or “review” doesn’t matter. Your ridiculous post just proves to our clients (who we treat like family) we will fight anyone for them. Including fraudulent billing leaches who crawl up out of the sewer to steal crumbs from the settlement table. Take care."
Daryl has all documentation requested and even stated that he cannot bill this back to his clients. That he would be mailing a check to us and instead turns around and updates his review response on Google calling me a thief, leach and liar. This is an outright attack on my character as a business owner that is simply protecting the best interests of my company and the employees that are here. Daryl is not fighting for his clients as family to protect them, he is only looking out for himself. Please be aware so you do not run in to this same situation where I am having to deal with this for months on end while being called defamatory names and outright lies about my character. Best, Trent