He is the BIGDAWG!! Get he you can't go wrong Trust and believe. ️
Review Left On 02/28/2020
Tinishia P
I can't find one bad thing to say about Mr. Gordon. If you have been referred to him, or if you ran across his name because you were looking for the best lawyer ever, know that you have found the best and that it was not by accident. It was by grace and mercy that you found his page. Call him now, seriously and listen to as well as follow his advice. Thank you Mr. Gordon, for your hardwork that you seemed to do so effortlessly.
Our family has been Extremely lucky to have Steve Gordon as our attorney. His experience and knowledge of the law and court system is by far the best you will find in Fort Worth TX. I highly recommend him. Wonderful person as well.
I highly recommend him. Wonderful person as well.