> Law firm in Flint, TX
> Big K Mowing Review

Review Left On 11/01/2019

Best mowing service in East Texas!!!!

Review Left On 08/01/2019

Kevin Simpson, the owner of Big K Mowing is one of the most unprofessional people I’ve ever encountered. He has a string of rental properties along CR 346 as well. He is a habitual liar, cheat, and con-man who refuses to repair anything in the homes and demands the renter pay astronomical fees for things such as light bulbs burning out, or his properties being infested with ants, which comes from the poor upkeep from his so called lawn service. I’m certain numerous people can attest to the fact he will lie to your face and when confronted act like nothing happened. I actually feel sorry for the illegal immigrants he hires to work for him. I can’t imagine how poorly he treats them. If you’re considering using his services or renting one of Kevin Simpson’s properties, I highly suggest you rethink your decision and find something better. I can absolutely guarantee you Kevin Simpson will screw you over one way or another. It’s his forte. You’ve been warned. Take precautions.
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