Mr. Nash is a very honest guy and helped me through till the end. Definitely coming to him from now on despite the long drive haha thank you Nash for your help!
Review Left On 02/28/2020
Ricardo Padilla
Excellent council
Review Left On 02/28/2013
Trent Ross
First of all, if you ever find yourself looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Texas (of all states); then sooner or later you will probably wake up to the fact that you have just become personally acquainted with an indomitable tar-baby who’s ability to entangle you and keep you subservient to its will is unparalleled in the history of mankind. There are two points I’m trying to make here: 1. the system and its agents (ie: the district attorney, the court appointed lawyer, even the janitor) does not give two flips about you or what happens to you, and: 2. The system is tough and has made short work of hundreds of thousands annually; so, unless you want to get tossed around and have your life lead down the pathway of demotion to the land of serfdom then you better have someone who both: cares about what happens to you, and is tough enough to fight the system on your behalf. I personally know of only a FEW law firms in Harris County who fit this mold and Tolleson & Nash certainly is distinguished fittingly at the top of such a list. In my somewhat long and illustrious career I have seen many types of lawyers from helpful, to incompetent, to downright criminally negligent. I can picture most of these shysters probably chase ambulances in the evenings if they are not already posted up at the ER trolling for bait to use against the insurance companies. In fact, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the profession of “Attorney” by and large is inhabited by a disproportionately greater percentage of shady individuals than any other single profession when compared to all other professions…agree or disagree: Perhaps this can illustrate just how the odds are stacked against you. If you are reading this because you are currently in need of legal representation then think of yourself looking back on this moment a year or two from now congratulating yourself for making such a solid choice for a lawyer. I have had Tolleson & Nash represent me in no less than four such disagreements with police officers and even though on the surface of said charges it appeared that I might not be here on the other side of this keyboard to write this review; Shannon was able to cut right through the BS in an almost wizard-like fashion to reveal the part of the story the police always seem to leave out, that is: the part of the story that actually defends you (to one degree or another). In a few years with the right decision you could be sitting in your home typing whatever to whomever…or you could be elsewhere. I feel that I made have made wise choices in regards to representation, albeit more from luck that any from any skills I possess seeing as how Tolleson & Nash was recommended to me by one of my close associates ages ago, and I hope the same luck for whoever reads this.
I personally know of only a FEW law firms in Harris County who fit this mold and Tolleson & Nash certainly is distinguished fittingly at the top of such a list. In my somewhat long and illustrious career I have seen many types of lawyers from helpful, to incompetent, to downright criminally negligent. I can picture most of these shysters probably chase ambulances in the evenings if they are not already posted up at the ER trolling for bait to use against the insurance companies. In fact, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the profession of “Attorney” by and large is inhabited by a disproportionately greater percentage of shady individuals than any other single profession when compared to all other professions…agree or disagree: Perhaps this can illustrate just how the odds are stacked against you.
If you are reading this because you are currently in need of legal representation then think of yourself looking back on this moment a year or two from now congratulating yourself for making such a solid choice for a lawyer. I have had Tolleson & Nash represent me in no less than four such disagreements with police officers and even though on the surface of said charges it appeared that I might not be here on the other side of this keyboard to write this review; Shannon was able to cut right through the BS in an almost wizard-like fashion to reveal the part of the story the police always seem to leave out, that is: the part of the story that actually defends you (to one degree or another).
In a few years with the right decision you could be sitting in your home typing whatever to whomever…or you could be elsewhere. I feel that I made have made wise choices in regards to representation, albeit more from luck that any from any skills I possess seeing as how Tolleson & Nash was recommended to me by one of my close associates ages ago, and I hope the same luck for whoever reads this.