ZERO no STARS, I have to pick one as it wont let me post. As a parent facilitator Ms Ortiz Taing is horrible and will only work for her reputation and money. She became our parent facilitator for my case and never took my concerns seriously, because she couldn't make the other parent comply with orders and not appear as the "bad guy" she opted to take their side. Maybe she got paid by them or made special favors. It is very sad that people like her are suppose to be there to protect the children and to solve issues that she could easily report to court but She never did. I told this woman over and over and email her plenty of times that in dads house they were using drugs and my children were exposed to that, she did not care, she said that our kids were exaggerating and they had to ACLIMATE and ADAPT..(to drugs??) well guess what after she got fired from my case and never reported that or kids were around drugs one of the parents from the household I kept reporting passed away for DRUG ABUSE! Do not hire this woman as a parent facilitator as she is only out there for money and not to protect anyone else. Now my children are dealing with the consequences of that exposure. Hope you read this Ms Taing because my children are now scarred for life. You could've done something when I told you!