Choose the Best Law Firm in Bradenton FL

Harrison & Kirkland, P.A.
Harrison & Kirkland, P.A. Reviews

Review: I used Mr. Pratt sue my brother in sister for stealing ftom my mother. One day before the closing of the property, Mr. Pratt file legal paperwork to keep the $$$ from being dispersed to traitors. He did a good—-very fast job to get the paperwork filed in less than 24 hrs. However, he asked me if I wanted to immediately
investigate the finances or ask my brother what happened to the finance. He suggested I ask my brother—-$$$ later I realized He had advised me to choose the wrong answer which... Read More

Manatee County Public Defender
Manatee County Public Defender Reviews

Review: Never met a more sincerely careless and cavalier group of people. It will break your bank, but please seek out help from more competent means. You'll get a public defender whom is more interested in getting you a plea deal, than actually doing their job. Lazy, and careless. Read More

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