SHYSTER!! Loves to take your money, but is too lazy to communicate the status of your case or map out a time frame of what to expect and when. He lacks the resources of a real employment lawyer. And if you're a small fish, stay away.
Review Left On 02/28/2017
Natalie smits
My mother hired Mr. Paul Jackson to represent her in her case. He was such a breath of fresh air. He was very thorough and knowledgable with explaining every step that they were taking and always had her best interest at heart. I highly recommend Mr. Paul Jackson and staff, they will always have your back and you will never feel lost in what can sometimes be a complicated situation. Thank you so much for everything you did for my mom we will forever be great full
Review Left On 02/28/2017
Laura McCarty
I am the office manager and paralegal for this firm, and have worked for Mr. Jackson for 6 years. I can attest to the fact that not only is this an excellent place to work, but it is also a firm that has the clients' best interests in mind. Mr. Paul Jackson is fair, reasonable, honest, and intelligent. He is an excellent attorney, and has been practicing for over 40 years, exclusively for employees and their rights. He knows the law, and has a successful record. As far as the review from last year regarding the refund, lack of knowledge, and inappropriate charges, this information is incorrect. We always inform clients up front if there is a charge, and this client knew this coming in, and was prepared to pay when arriving for the appointment. While Mr. Jackson may not have known the answers to all her questions, he had informed her of that fact prior to the in-person appointment (after a lengthy free phone consultation), but he was still willing to meet with her. Finally, Mr. Jackson does not give refunds, unless a retainer has been unused. This client spent an hour with Mr. Jackson, and he billed for an hour of his time. He did not become ugly when refusing the refund, but matter-of-factly informed her that she would not get her money back. Mr. Jackson comes highly recommended by any client he has represented.
I called to ask about a consultation after I was unfairly fired from my job to ask if there was anything I could do. I was put through an attorney almost immediately, who listened to my story over the phone and told me my options free of charge. Although I was disappointed to learn I did not have a case I could pursue legally, I was pleasantly surprised by how knowledgeable and helpful the lawyer I spoke to was without me having to actually hire them or pay them.
Review Left On 02/28/2016
Raquel Rozenberg
I was charged $350.00 up front for a "free consultation" the Atty knew nothing about Federal Employment and replied with I don"t know each time I asked a question. Frustrated I asked for my money back- and he refused then became very ugly.
Mr. Paul Jackson is fair, reasonable, honest, and intelligent. He is an excellent attorney, and has been practicing for over 40 years, exclusively for employees and their rights. He knows the law, and has a successful record.
As far as the review from last year regarding the refund, lack of knowledge, and inappropriate charges, this information is incorrect. We always inform clients up front if there is a charge, and this client knew this coming in, and was prepared to pay when arriving for the appointment. While Mr. Jackson may not have known the answers to all her questions, he had informed her of that fact prior to the in-person appointment (after a lengthy free phone consultation), but he was still willing to meet with her.
Finally, Mr. Jackson does not give refunds, unless a retainer has been unused. This client spent an hour with Mr. Jackson, and he billed for an hour of his time. He did not become ugly when refusing the refund, but matter-of-factly informed her that she would not get her money back.
Mr. Jackson comes highly recommended by any client he has represented.