If her behavior as a neighbor is any indication of her professional life, steer clear. Rude, unfriendly & disrespectful...
Review Left On 03/01/2020
ashleigh hoebener
It’s been years now, but Patricia believed in me when I went through a really rough patch in life. I’ve completely turned my life around and have nothing on my record because of her. I’ll always remember her coming to see me when I got arrested and looking at me like child please stop.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
C.M. Mike Adams
Unless your name ends in Kelley or Anderson all of you folks giving Ms. Cummings negative reviews and spouting out hateful remarks do not know what you are talking about. You have no idea what really went on in that court and especially in that Jury room. It just so happens that an inlaw of mine, a good man I have known for 30 years, was on that jury. In fact, he was the lone hold out at the end. Did any of you know that one of the jurors stated during deliberations that she KNEW Greg was guilty. How did she know that? She said she could tell by the way Greg whispered to his attorney while in the court room instead of talking out loud. Another Juror said that he worked hard to get on that Jury because anyone arrested for a sex crime against children MUST be guilty and then said "I got on the this jury to hang a child molester and that is what I am going to do." That is a Williamson County jury and that is what got Greg convicted. If any of you belive that a lawyer has to be perfect and can't make mistakes, think again. People should not be blaming Ms. Cummings for the debacle. It started well before she was even involved in the case.
Oh you poor thing, people don’t like you very much. I have to agree with the majority, you’re a horrible attorney. I hope you get disbarred. I’m not an attorney, but I could do a better job representing clients than you. I would never in a thousand years recommend you to anyone.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Linda Icenhauer-ramirez
Patricia Cummings is one of the finest criminal defense lawyers in our business. She has been a teacher and mentor for many of us and excels in the practice of law. She is principled, honest and fights for her clients with integrity and honor. If I or any member of my family were to get in trouble, Patricia would be one of the first calls I would make.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Elizabeth Henneke
Patricia is one of the best attorneys I have ever seen. She puts her clients first, advocates for them with fierce dedication, and generally raises the bar for all defense attorneys. While there have been some negative comments here, I have never met anyone who I trust more. I would willing have her represent my two children if they were ever accused of a crime.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Courtney Dunn
Poor excuse of a defense attorney. Sent innocent people to jail to benefit herself. Would NEVER recommend this woman to anyone.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Desirae Charles
Shame on you... That's all I have to say about you.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Sydney Miller
Patrica failed Greg Kelley and did NOT have his best interest in mind instead had others! Her poor excuse of saying she is being played as the exacape goat is pathetic and disgusting!
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Br B
She did a terrible job with our son's case years ago and he ended up with a felony that will be with him forever and he was only 21 at the time. She did not do what she should have in his case and we felt that we wasted money on her and regretted hiring her. I would NOT recommend her.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Camille Street
Shameful representing of Greg Kelley.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Tammy Miranda
Inneffective, heartless, person who does not seek or tell the truth.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Jake Brydon
Ohh how I wish I could give this Attorney a negative 1million star rating. Her clear admission of neglect in the first interview given following the conviction of her innocent client Greg Kelley and then her refusal to accept responsibility and fix her mess in my opinion makes her unfit to be anyon…
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Eve Schatelowitz
Patricia is an ethical, intelligent, hard-working, and dedicated defense attorney. I respect her immensely. I've known her professionally for many years.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Autumn Leal
Definitely would not recommend
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Momma S
Patricia is the most caring dedicated attorney I've ever seen. She helped free Michael Morton and worked to get the Michael Morton Act into legislation.
The Greg Kelley supporters have tried to drag her name through the mud because they did not hear the truth from Keith Hampton. He reminded her the attorney/client privilege was not waived, leaving her unable to testify and answer everyone's questions.
Thankfully, those who know Patricia personally know how much that case meant to her and that the accusations being made against her are completely false. It's absurd to think that anyone, especially Patricia Cummings, would throw her entire career away and try to send an innocent man to prison all because she represented some guy's brothers 10 years prior and therefore "knew" their mother.
Patricia's extensive resume speaks for itself.
Review Left On 03/01/2018
Mike Lapaglia
The moment Jonathan McCarty's name got brought up to her, Patricia Cummings had a decision to make (and she failed to make it): Either (1) pursue all leads to ZEALOUSLY REPRESENT ***HER CLIENT*** (who at that time was GK, not JM or any other McCarty); or (2) recognize the conflict of interest re: her relationship to the McCarty family, and recuse herself as GK's lawyer. What she cannot do is continue to represent GK but fail to ZEALOUSLY REPRESENT him because of a clear and present conflict of interest.
And keeping in mind that unlike a district attorney (whose job is to "do justice"), virtually every other lawyer is required to "ZEALOUSLY REPRESENT" his or her client (or else to recuse themselves if they feel that they can no longer do so). "Zealously represent" is the legal/ethical standard in this case, and every attorney alive (literally) knows that. #DISBARCUMMINGS #OBSTRUCTIONCHARGESCOMING
That's all I have to say about you.
She did not do what she should have in his case and we felt that we wasted money on her and regretted hiring her.
I would NOT recommend her.
The Greg Kelley supporters have tried to drag her name through the mud because they did not hear the truth from Keith Hampton. He reminded her the attorney/client privilege was not waived, leaving her unable to testify and answer everyone's questions.
Thankfully, those who know Patricia personally know how much that case meant to her and that the accusations being made against her are completely false. It's absurd to think that anyone, especially Patricia Cummings, would throw her entire career away and try to send an innocent man to prison all because she represented some guy's brothers 10 years prior and therefore "knew" their mother.
Patricia's extensive resume speaks for itself.
And keeping in mind that unlike a district attorney (whose job is to "do justice"), virtually every other lawyer is required to "ZEALOUSLY REPRESENT" his or her client (or else to recuse themselves if they feel that they can no longer do so). "Zealously represent" is the legal/ethical standard in this case, and every attorney alive (literally) knows that.