I hired this lawyer to file a child custody modification and paid him $300 to start. 3 weeks pass he didn't file or do anything, he later said he was sick. Another weeks pass and he didn't do anything, I called and he wont pick up, when I finally got him he later said he couldn't start with my case. I asked him to give me my money back and he said he would but I have not received any money. I will call the Houston Bar to file a report, he doesn't even deserve one star.
Review Left On 03/02/2020
Heather Jackson
I would give a negative star option if it was available!! This attorney is a scam artist!!! He never answers his office phone. He does not have another contact phone number nor an email adress. He does not have an office asst or anyone like he said when we hired him. He never filed one paper on my child custody case in two months! Not even the paper to be my attorney! When he does have you on the phone or in the office, he rushes you very quick! He always asks if you've heard anything about your case when hello?! He's supposed to be keeping you updated!!! He claims he was a judge for so many years yet nobody in the state has record of it!!! We originally gave him half of his money upfront and was supposed to be paying the rest in payments. He has had my file for two months and has claimed that he had been working on my case this whole time but after it not getting anywhere I called the district clerk's myself and he never even filed to be my attorney on my case! I called him and told him i wanted my money back to find another attorney! A couple days later he called and told me I had another payment due so my mother and I went to his office and explained to him that until he actually does something on my case that we are not paying him anymore!!! Well he then showed us a receipt to prove he finally filed the paper to be my attorney but we still took my file with us and told him we still weren't paying him until something happened! The next day I called the district clerk's again and they said finally after the fifth time of me calling him throughout the two months that he finally filed it but he didn't sign it therefore it did not go through with the judge!!! So then I called and told him that he has scammed us over and over again and out of our money so that I want my money back or will be reporting him! He claims that he did nothing wrong so to go ahead and report him so I will be doing so! Also, this attorney will not give you a client-attorney contract!!! He told me "you trust that I'm gonna get your daughter back and I'll trust that you'll pay me." He even only gave me a written receipt with a letterhead for the money I gave him!!! He never even collected any info from me other than my name and phone number. Now I'm probably going to lose custody of my daughter because her dad has had her so long while I was stuck waiting for this attorney to get off his butt and do something since he was the only one I could afford at the time!!!! Do not trust him! Do not waste your money or time!!! It's crazy how one can be in such an awful position to lose something so valuable and then there's people like him only out to screw you over!!!
UPDATE: It has been two months since I posted the above review! Apparently the judge finally signed off on the motion to sub in which Newman kept lying about. Therefore now, the scam attorney is now the attorney on my case...I hired a new attorney but Newman still has not signed the paper to withdraw from my case! He has received calls, emails and has even been sent the paper by mail and certified mail! He has not responded or got back to me or my newly hired attorney! He is making my case take longer and I still have yet to see my child in almost five months due to what Kelly Newman has put me through in terms of wasting time and money.
Review Left On 03/02/2020
Tina Golden
Do Not Use This Attorney! You are better off without one, due to the fact that this lawyer had my daughters case for a month and he never even filed the Motion to sub until the day She threatened to fire him! He claims to have a paralegal and an assistant but yet you never see one! He Does not have any file cabinets for his case files, he Does not have a cell phone or alternate phone number for you to call him only the office phone that I'm convinced he scans for calls from desperate new clients looking for help. He did not return my daughters calls in a timely manner. Then to top it off, When he did file the Milton to sub he didn't even sign it! You will have to basically double check Everything he is suppose to do to make sure he is actually doing it! No matter how desperate you are for a lawyer PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS ONE! You will waste your money AND END UP SCAMMED!
If I could give this con-man a negative five star rating I would. I was desperate for an attorney and needed one right away for a court hearing I had the following day, at first I didn't have all of the money he was requesting so he agreed to let me pay him half now and half later although after talking with a family member he decided to loan me the other half and pay him in full in hopes that he would do a better job representing me for the case in which I hired him for which was an enforcement for visitation that I filed against my ex and daughter's mother. I became really sketched out when I realized that he didn't even have a cell phone I could communicate with him on which he said he did but did not use it for his business which makes no sense to me being 2018. I asked him if I could email him some of the documents that my ex's attorney had sent me as she e-filed different motions and what not and he asked me to fax them to him because he's been having issues with his email? I thought that was very strange as well because how many people especially someone like an attorney who would be using email everyday actually have issues with their emails not working? And let's be honest do people really still send faxes these days? I'm sure in some situations but I believe it's pretty uncommon in today's world. The man has absolutely nothing in his office no computer, no laptop, no printer basically no real way to actually be a good and successful attorney being able to work with documents and print them off properly. He is a manipulator and will brush off any concerns you address to him making you feel as if everything will be taken care of and is under control. I would have been better off going to the hearing by myself as the judge told me that I needed to refile my motion and provide more detail which my attorney never brought to my attention that anything was wrong with my motion & that there would be a chance for that happening. Court took all day literally for the judge to say that he will give me 30 more days to refile my motion and to continue with this case. A couple days later after trying and trying to get a hold of Mr. Newman with several failed attempts on his work phone playing phone tag etc. He had told me that if I wanted him to continue working on my case and help me refile this motion and go back to court he would need another $750 and he would need it that week. He said we agreed on $500 for me to go to court with you and I had told him no I hired you and paid you $500 to represent me in this enforcement case in general. Now I understand $500 is a very cheap amount for an attorney but there is a reason why I found him on Craigslist since I was on a very tight budget. And I most definitely would have paid him more money had he followed through and finished the case and at least made it seem like he was somewhat dedicated towards helping me. Had he done anything at all besides waiting with me at the courtroom & if he did any type of paperwork or anything I would feel more comfortable about saying that he earned his money and I will continue to do business with him but he didnt. The way he handled himself and representing me in front of her attorney was actually quite embarrassing at court. He seemed very nervous when she had came up and introduced herself which I was expecting him to do first since I did hire him last minute and I felt people needed to be aware that I did have an attorney now. Also, the way he demanded the $750 and had to have it that week knowing the position I was in and just trying to fight for my own rights to get my visitation with my one year old daughter and knowing that I paid him in full when he knew at first I probably wouldn't have even been able to get him the other $250 until around the time he was requesting to have this $750.... it all just put a very bad taste in my mouth and I felt like he was trying to take advantage of my crappy situation in order to better his. I do not recommend this attorney for any reason. Save your money.
UPDATE: It has been two months since I posted the above review! Apparently the judge finally signed off on the motion to sub in which Newman kept lying about. Therefore now, the scam attorney is now the attorney on my case...I hired a new attorney but Newman still has not signed the paper to withdraw from my case! He has received calls, emails and has even been sent the paper by mail and certified mail! He has not responded or got back to me or my newly hired attorney! He is making my case take longer and I still have yet to see my child in almost five months due to what Kelly Newman has put me through in terms of wasting time and money.