Two different staffs hanged up on my twice by the excuse of "hold on a second."
Review Left On 12/01/2019
Megan Pourciau
If you ever have the displeasure of having to appear for traffic court in this parish, you'll see firsthand just how much money they make off citizens. Waited over three hours in a line (no exaggerations whatsoever) to speak to one of the five prosecutors for the DA's office, then 45 more minutes to refile my charge and reassess my fine. Went to go pay the fine and was told they don't accept credit or debit cards. Interesting how they so desperately want our money, but oh! Not that method! I guess it's an effective way to make you regret speeding and ensure you won't do it in the future, but I'm also never going to spend any money in that parish ever again. They clearly get enough revenue off traffic tickets without having to rely on anything else.
Update: Just tried to pay 1/3 of my fine and was told this court doesn't accept partial payments. In summary, they REALLY want money, but only if it will completely inconvenience you in the process.
Update: Just tried to pay 1/3 of my fine and was told this court doesn't accept partial payments. In summary, they REALLY want money, but only if it will completely inconvenience you in the process.