Mr.Costea is a great counsil at law. I see comments people saying hes rude but hes just very blunt and straight foward. Overall hes a sweet person who means good and fights for his clients. My case was not easy and took about 3 years, he was always there to answer my questions at any time and to file Alot of paperwork. So satisfied to have him work on my case. Defenatly recommend him.
Review Left On 02/28/2020
Sam C
They did not help me!! They listen 2 my whole complaint , bout wat happened at the company i wanted 2 sue. Recorded everything!! Thwn told me they where slumped with cases !!! As of they kno the people in question!!! Do not trust them with ur information at all!!!! These are real Lie- aw-ers!!!!
Review Left On 02/28/2020
the pokes
I thought this guy was for real when he asked me to come in and talk with him about my case,,,what a loser and dishonest person he is,,,,not only did he want 10,000 dollars up front but also wanted 25% of my case if we won,,,,What these cockroaches do is take big lump sums of money from you then wont do anything after because they already got paid. The way i look at it is if they really really like your case then they can take it on contingency bases,,if not then they are like any other thief out there.
Very good attorney who knows the law in his field of expertise. He leaves it up to you whether to settle or go all the way to trial. As with all attorneys, you have to recognize that you are the client and he is your counselor, not your boss. Peter is what he says he is, a very good trial attorney who is prepared to go all the way if that is what you want. That's all you can ask for in an attorney. Many attorneys would drop your case or force a settlement when the going gets tough. Peter is ethical and won't do that; that one attribute alone makes him stand out in the legal field. I used to be a commercial banker who had about 25 attorneys as clients; so I do some breath of comparison and experience in dealing with attorneys. You show me an attorney who has never lost a case and I will show you an attorney who has never gone to trial.
Review Left On 02/28/2018
Tyneisha Roque
I called his office and spoke to him and all he did was speak over me. He didn't listen to amything I said. He did say let him know if anything happens to call him. What a loser!!! I am glad I didnt get far with him and found out early on about his God complex and arrogance.
Review Left On 02/28/2017
Angie Smith
Worst lawyer ever! He talks down to you like you are less than him when you ask questions, makes a contract with you and then switches it so he can get more money.. also like the other review stated he disappears for several weeks when you try and get a hold of him and then demands things days before they Are due even though the paperwork for the case clearly states that he received the paperwork for the case weeks before he asks you for them. He is rude and cannot be trusted!! Please don't make the mistakes we did by hiring this worthless lawyer!!!!
Review Left On 02/28/2013
Constantin Ioannides
Peter Costea was dishonest, unread, and damaged me. Billed me $ 15,000.00 for "reading and " pseudo - reading - or in fact not reading - my documents, lied to me and insisted that my opponents have Res Judicata for my income they did not report to Federal Court. Billed me $ 5,000.00 for 5 pages of frivolities with parts copied from another Lawsuit and tried to make me sue University of Texas Board of Regents, as Regents and individually, for theft of my research Royalties by MDAnderson Administrators. It is unclear whether he takes money from Client and bribes from his opponent.
He refused to make a contract He refuse to return half of my money wasted ( $ 10,000.00) for doing nothing. Probably I am the only "Faculty " he ever represented and damaged. I submitted a complaint to Texas Disciplinary Counsel.
His trick is that bills the client without a contract, disappears twice for more than 1.5 months and takes money from you against your wishes. Even when the law decide that disputes must be solved by Mediation and Arbittration makes no effort but blackmails client to be paid for what client did not ask and refuse to file frivolous lawsuits.
He refused to make a contract He refuse to return half of my money wasted ( $ 10,000.00) for doing nothing. Probably I am the only "Faculty " he ever represented and damaged. I submitted a complaint to Texas Disciplinary Counsel.
His trick is that bills the client without a contract, disappears twice for more than 1.5 months and takes money from you against your wishes. Even when the law decide that disputes must be solved by Mediation and Arbittration makes no effort but blackmails client to be paid for what client did not ask and refuse to file frivolous lawsuits.
Very dangerous person.