Lenina Hurdle is amazing she got my case settled in 2 months and her paralegal was so helpful and did a great job of communicating with me. No matter your issue Hurdle Law Firm is the answer!
Review Left On 03/01/2020
Jahayra Canales
They work fast and take care you, they answer every question we had. They are very welcoming. Would highly recommend.
Review Left On 03/01/2020
They took great care of me and my case and they where extremely fast in getting it settled.
Lenina Hurdle and the Hurdle Law Firm is a highly professional and skilled office. I would definately recommend them to anyone and look forward to doing business with them again. Thank you Lenina!
Review Left On 03/01/2020
babydoll A
Lenina and Alisha are outstanding people to know and also have as your legal team. They are very helpful, resourceful and great with communication. Everything you want from your legal team !!!
Review Left On 09/01/2019
Christopher Ferraro
AMAZING PEOPLE I was in a horrible accident and she was so helpful and very inspiring makes me want to be a lawyer and help everyone!
Everything you want from your legal team !!!