Montana leads nation in public corruption trials! went to paulette STUART she is a us attorney told her town corruption told her about witness in her case tom harris impersonated DEA agent he was police informant noy friend who was fed. She tried to find me lawyer for state senator involved in criminal organization. told me to leave MONTANA CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WITH ALL SHE SENT ME 2. SENATOR TAKEN TO MONTANA SUPREME COURT CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT' went to us supreme court case not heard 5 to 4 34 states sued fed government to hear Montana corruption involving man who called me a crusader. went to us senate bill filibustered noe in court rooms documents from meth raid. towns police force destroyed police chief harris informant for criminal charges. I have 5,5 million views on GOOGLE accounts this December! she is evil never had any witnesses to find out if her witness used her personally to claim he was fed.